ANTRIM Joins Global Efforts for Sustainable Tourism at GSTC 2023 Conference

Recently, ANTRIM participated in the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) Conference in Turkey, alongside over 350 representatives from the tourism industry in 51 countries from around the world. The main objective of the conference was to develop the tourism industry in a sustainable and responsible manner, adhering to GSTC’s highest global sustainability standards.

ANTRIM representatives, as well as those from the Moldova State University and Ion Creangă Pedagogical University, participated in themed training sessions that focused on GSTC’s global sustainability criteria, solutions for digitalizing hotels, consultation workshops on attraction criteria, and also attended the World Economic Forum on sustainable tourism as a driver of resilient economies and societies.

Participation in the conference and training sessions was made possible thanks to the support of the Rural Competitiveness and Resilience Project, funded by USAID Moldova. Additionally, ANTRIM discussed with GSTC CEO, Mr. Randy Durband, about the progress made in sustainability in Moldova, after his visit to the country in November 2022.

The Moldovan delegation learned about new sustainability trends, techniques, and methods for companies to adapt to sustainable and resilient practices. The acquired knowledge will be presented through training sessions to ANTRIM members and partners.

It is worth mentioning that on November 24, 2022, the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Moldova, together with the Rural Competitiveness and Resilience Project funded by USAID Moldova, signed a collaboration agreement with GSTC, committing to implementing sustainability criteria at the national level.

ANTRIM became an affiliate member of GSTC in 2022 and has taken significant steps towards developing and adopting the concept of sustainability in the tourism industry in Moldova. Participation in the 2023 GSTC Conference represented an important opportunity for ANTRIM to gain new knowledge and share their experiences with other leaders in the global tourism industry.