Call for the selection of SMEs and BSOs from the tourism sector for participation in the actions planned in the project “Sustainable business models and sharing cultural-tourism excellences”

Slow, sustainable and responsible tourism: opportunities for 25 SMEs and BSO (Business Support Organization) from the Project “Sustainable business models and sharing of tourist-cultural excellences” aiming to foster the development of trade relations and business opportunities between EU countries and the Eastern Partnership (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine). It is about to come out the call for the selection of 25 SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprises) and BSO (Business Support Organization) of the tourism sector, willing to participate in all or some of the actions planned by the project.

The ideal applicant is a tourism SME (or BSO) active in a rural area or in a cultural destination, managed by women or young entrepreneurs, interested in getting to know and make contact with the markets of the countries involved (Italy, Croatia, Moldova and Azerbaijan), run by women or young people.).

The main purpose of the project is to raise awareness of the market opportunities offered by sustainable, slow and responsible tourism in rural and cultural destinations through actions like study visits in Croatia and Moldova, the promotion of cooperation contracts and trade agreements between BSOs and SMEs from the 4 project partnership countries, the design and testing of training and consulting services on sustainable tourism etc. “Sustainable business models and sharing cultural-tourism excellences”, funded by the European Programme “Eu4business – Connecting Companies” (EU4BCC) through Eurochambres – the Association of European Chambers of Commerce has among the partners the Chamber of Commerce of Basilicata, the Croatian Economic Chamber/Split County, ANTRIM – Association of Tourist Enterprises of Moldova and ASK – Association of the entrepreneurs of Azerbaijan.

For more information:


Deadline for application is 18.02.2022.