Launch of the BRIDGE Programme for Tourism and Wine sectors

USAID supports the development and sustainable economic growth of Moldovan companies by helping to expand their competitiveness opportunities.

Moldova Rural Competitiveness and Resilience Activity is launching the second phase of the BRIDGE project, a 10-month grant activity for the tourism and wine sectors.

The aim of the BRIDGE to Global Markets Programme is to contribute overall to increase the competitiveness of companies in the wine and tourism industry in both local and international markets by developing and improving skills and creating opportunities for exports in the wine and tourism industry.

The Bridge Project will cover approximately 80 companies, and will include officially registered companies operating in the Republic of Moldova in the wine and tourism industry operating under the programme regulations approved by the Rural Competitiveness and Resilience Project.

The implementation of the Bridge Programme for the tourism and wine sector is facilitated by the National Association for Inbound and Domestic Tourism.

In the first month of the programme’s launch, more than 30 companies have already received support to participate in business events.