Get ready to embark on a thrilling journey with Anna, a curious young girl, as she delves into the mysteries of the past and discovers its profound influence on her life today. Her insatiable curiosity drives her to unravel the secrets of the women who came before her, those who raised their families, cared for their children, and yet managed to infuse art and beauty into even the most practical household objects.Feel the enthusiasm radiating from Anna as she radiates with impatience. Her heart overflows with an important revelation, one that compels her to share it with her lover. Prepare for an exciting journey as Anna embarks on an extraordinary quest to unravel the intricate tapestry of traditional Moldavian crafts and unearth priceless artifacts, each steeped in a rich cultural heritage.
Material developed with the support of the European Union and the Black Sea Basin Program through the HERIPRENEURSHIP project.